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Monday, July 18, 2011

Rethought + Ressurected

Although it would be nice to update you on life over the past two years, I am of the assumption that most of my readers have a decent knowledge of my current standings, body mass index and marital status and it is, therefore, not required of me to update anyone with anything, unless of course I feel the relevance of doing so. Slim chances, but a well-played disclaimer nonetheless.

Well, here it is:

To say that my writing and along with it, this blog, have (together) been dying a steady death would be a completely false issue of a statement. A point-blank lie.

I have been writing.

Just like any other species smart enough to comprehend the comprehensive illogic of survival, I adapt to changing environments. Some call me a girgit. Whatever the hell that means. But yes, I have been writing in the sense that writing to me has always been:

a) an outlet for expression (read: rant)
b) a creative way to make incoherence seem laudable, and
c) an oddly therapeutic exercise.

Though it may not seem it, my writing has taken form in smaller, less obvious fashion. With the advent of Twitter and it's condemnation (condom nation) of traditional blog formats, my writing may have suffered in word-count but has made up in wit. I'd like to believe so, at least. Through tweets, status updates and public comments on anything, I have managed to fulfill my aforementioned criteria of writing over the past two years and I regret nothing. But of course, I visit this boneyard once in a while and reminisce about days when I could compose an entire post. Compost. Bad linkage, there. I've always known that I'd return to writing stuff online. I just didn't know how or when. I had plans of starting a new blog because that would just be easier. Like how running away from your past is easy. Not that I have a past to run away from. I'm just saying. Maybe it's time to move on, and start writing about stuff a little more pertinent to my context; that of a design student entering an exciting industry. Or not. Or perhaps I should just continue with my loathing laments and aspire to write like Hank Moody. Yes, a fictional character that is too cynical for clinical (I'm guessing this is not one of those 'too cool for school' type phrases) and more importantly, a guy who probably has more than one STD.

The future of this blog is of concern to me. It lies unplanned and under-appreciated (by me, not you). It will need heaps of motivation. A kick-start. A 'spark' as I am told.

And if all fails (like most over-ambitious ventures in life), another hiatus won't do no harm... right?


Anonymous said...

dude george your blogs were epic donno why you stopped them...hope this comment motivates you a little


Anonymous said...

Its the return of the monkey


Teknofile said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's funny how you're a half-decent writer, yet your spoken content is cretin-ish

George said...

Thanks, Teknofile! :P