Project: G.F.B.F.
No, it's not what it sounds like. This isn't any Girlfriend-Boyfriend project that I'm working on (however, this may prove to be quite interesting and unsuccessful)... It's the Give a Facelift to the Blog; Fast! mission that I'm currently trying to do.
The old template was passé and needed some sprucing up so as you may have probably noticed, I've changed the colour scheme on the page and I've given a nice name to my blog... Not a nice name you say? Comment over here if you have any better suggestion.
I've already designed a nice big image for the header (as opposed to the boring text reading out Travails of Life) which I'm trying to figure out how to upload. I'm quite a noob when it comes using HTML or CSS or JAVA or Motorbikes or even Shaving Razors for that matter but I'll get it sooner or later.
Here's what it looks like:Well? It may be too small to see the detail but I think I did quite a good job on it. And considering that I sat at it for more than a month you (the person who is reading the Blog; me) better like it!
So if you have any clue how I can get this thing up on the site and add some splash of colour to it, please advise. I'll be waiting i.e. refreshing this page every 5 minutes.
Oh and about the picture this time; it's a snap from Singapore (drinking some killer green apple slurpee) that my brother took on his phone.
In case I don't post tonight (I'm not going to so I'll clear your doubt right there,) I wanna wish you all a Happy New Year and a very prosperous one.
Where's the party tonight?
Go the source codeo of your blog, search for the #h1# i.e header, class, which is what follows:
#h1 class='title'#
Travails of Life
replace, your title with #img#url of your title pic or whatever#/img#
and voila
P.S Replace all # with < or >
Nityn to the rescue!!!
try this:
replace [ with < and ] with >
[img style="margin: 0px auto 10px; display: block; text-align: center; cursor: pointer;" src="your image source here" alt="" id="" border="0" /]
again....Nityn to the rescue!
eh wtf, i dunno whats wrong.
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