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Saturday, October 07, 2006


Hello. Two years have passed with me debating whether I should start my own blog. The thought of exposing myself (through words of course) to the general public has always been a phobia. But today, I overcome my fear...

Well. As you may have already noticed, I do talk a lot of crap. This blog was created to show you all my crap. Weeee! Haha! Sorry. Tis is the effect of sitting at home on a Saturday night (that too, when an INXS concert is going on). I'm quite depressed. It's the weather here in Bangalore. My phone has been switched off all day; something that I've never had the guts to do since I got it. *Sigh*

I'll post again soon. Maybe when I do better in life. Now that, my friends, is a paradox.

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