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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Great Expectations

After a year of living a relatively 'real' life you'd expect the average human being to be a bit smarter than I was over the past few days.

What was I thinking? Did I really expect something? Ha. It makes me laugh when I think about it now. How I sat up at nights thinking about it, woke up in the morning smiling about it, passed my days wondering about it and led my way to the biggest anti-climatic reality check I've had in a while.

Take this from me; A man of all the experience in the wrong subjects...
Never build up a sense of what's going to happen for/to you in the future. It's not as lucid as you'd like it to be. The future is something you don't mess with. Like destiny. 'Cause destiny's a bitch and we all know that. But lo! believe me on this... When you imagine something unreal and then pray for it and then become so gullible so as to believe in it, you're going to be presented with a fork in the road. Don't bother with the fact that there are two (or more) options staring you down, for most of the time (thanks to that bitch), it's merely an illusion or it's predestined. And that predestined road is the one that goes down a silly little hill called 'Reality'.

Those left standing will make millions writing books on the way it should have been.

I'd be a Steve Jobs right now if I wrote books on every time I lived under a false pretence that I let myself find comfort in believing. The way it should have been. They way I would have wanted it to have been. Hmm. Interesting.

I'd thoroughly prefer one of those false-pretence-filled lives though. After all, reality bites so hard that I need an Odomos equivalent to prevent me from going rabidly insane. And we all know that like destiny, the Odomos company is a bitch because apparently Realitymos isn't going to have much of a market-base.


1 comment:

Tanya said...
