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Monday, February 12, 2007

All That Jazz...

As we drove back from dinner today, they were playing Jazz on the radio. A genre of music I’ve always had a liking for, but never really admitted it. The soft, soothing tones immediately gave me fond memories of my arrival in Singapore. I was 5 back then and I was about to start a new life…
I asked my brother what the first thing that came to his mind was, as the music played. “Changi Airport”, he said without pondering too long.

It’s these small things that occur in the midst of something huge that always stick with you forever. The music that was being played as we got into the airport… Who would’ve noticed it? Who would have such amazing recollections every time they heard similar music? It’s beautiful and mind-boggling at the same time! And today, it felt so good. Reminiscing about days when life wasn’t so complicated. When we had no cares for the world and did not fear what was in store for us. When we didn’t have to make life-altering decisions. When the only choices we were faced with was what video-game we were going to play on the flight there, or what cartoon we were going to waste our time watching.
Why is it that as time progresses, these things keep slipping away from us? Why isn’t life so easy anymore? Why are we the way we are?
They say that over the past decade or so, humans have evolved so much. That we’ve crossed boundaries in all sorts of fields. And when I think about how care-free we all were back then, I wonder… is this true? Have we really made things better for ourselves?

As these questions rush through my disengaged mind, I hear the saxophone play its sweet tune. Bliss…


Anonymous said...

The only problem with us is that we're moving too quickly...everything around us just zips past us and we really forget to cherish the little things in life which is eventually what we remember...like the music!

Nivedh Jayanth said...

and also we end up propagating what we hate and all that.. i mean look at the whole concept of money, it leads to wars and so much grief and still we do nothing but want more.. basically we're fucking ourselves over stuff that really doesn't mean that much!!!

Anonymous said...

The beauty of life, the stoppage of time, all that we wish to hold onto forever can only be grasped with stillness of mind.

Nikhil said...

noob... my blog not worthy enough of a mention on the right?!

Nivedh Jayanth said...

hell yeah!! Mine isnt either apparently! Ass!

Anonymous said...

can u not update...so irritated need soemthing to read!

George said...

Sorry ri.. net was down yesterday.. so i couldnt post it up.
Lulu.. whoever you are.. i cant agree more! =)

Dear nikhil sud. Your blog is a bunch of links. id rather link google then! =D
And nivedh. dont be a hypocrite now. you're the one who told me not to tell anyone about your blog. and you're calling me an ass coz i obeyed and respected your choice (and privacy)

Anonymous said...

The engima that is lulu shall be revealed to you soon. First, however, you must perform three tasks.

1. Sit in utter silence for 1 hour and once you have heard all and nothing at the same time, you shall be successful.

2. Feed the animals outside your house.

3. Surrender to music.

Anonymous said...
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