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Monday, January 22, 2007


Around 20 days into the new year and I’ve finally decided to update the blog. Well I do have a good reason as to why it wasn’t done earlier; my exams.
Yeah, until day-before, I had my preliminary exams going on and even though I’d like to say that I was studying very hard and I had no time to post over here, the truth just portrayed the opposite. From this statement, you could probably conclude that I screwed up my exams pretty badly. But it’s okay… They’re just the mocks and I do have around a month to study before the finals begin.
Apart from this mockery, I just realised that I’ve got around 9 days left to send my Parsons’ application in. My portfolio currently has a couple of crappy sketches, a whole bunch of computer graphics (which they don’t really appreciate) and this. Yes. The Blog. But the portfolio isn’t the only thing they want. I need to get my recommendation letters in, and write up my statement of purpose and complete the Parsons Challenge as well. I’ve been breaking my head over that. I’m trying my best to give in some quality you see…

Okay. So what have I been doing apart from pretending to study and wasting time? Facebook. It’s the latest community fad that I’ve joined. The other ones are just obsolete now… That includes hi5, Zorpia, Orkut, Tagged, My Yearbook and MySpace. Facebook is just super-cool coz through it I’ve met and re-united with a whole bunch of VERY old friends of mine. Some of them go way back to the second and third grade! Most of them are Singapore friends and it really is great to see what they all look like now and how much they’ve change and whether they still know who I am! =S
Plus, the groups you can join there have made me rekindle my sense of humour.

Besides all this jing-bang, I’m proud to say that from now my blog might just look a bit more colourful. The pictures of weird expressions of my face are going to change. Instead of just a single boring square, I hope to put a more colourful image (probably with my face it self!), that will try to showcase my artistic talent. Let’s see how that goes. I still haven’t figured out how to put the header up!

Check this game out. It’s a really interesting concept and I honestly feel it’s gonna make history! Click on the link below and help me out:

They recommend that you spread your link in various ways and through different media, so I’m on a quest to think of some very innovative idea. Better than ones they’ve put up on the site.
Please pass on the link (optional) and join the game (I’m giving you no option there).

Till then~

P.S. Borat is a funny movie. It's Verrry Niiice!

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