So apparently, my charm and wit (and the blog header printed on a page) seemed to have cut it in the books of Panel A at the MAEER MIT’s Institute of Design, Pune. Yes, I got in. Yay.
Of course, I reacted in a different way on the night I found out. I was consumed with pride and joy. Joy because I finally got into a college… a design college. Pride because it wasn’t money that got me in. It was something that I accomplished myself, and for that I had to be proud. But with time, I’m beginning to doubt everything.
Leaving Bangalore. Leaving for the hostel life. It sounds like fun, but how much of it? Doing something I love doing... Is it really worth it?
My father tells me to differentiate between a hobby and a career. Maybe I’m stupid, but why can’t it be both?
It can’t be both. It can never be both. I’ve probably learnt that the hard way.
I’m still happy with my decision, though. I’ve had a number of people try to convince me otherwise, telling me that I should have chosen something more stable like Architecture, my other option. It makes me feel like the black-sheep. Far too many times. I’m from a lineage of Men of Science. The grand-father was a man of Chemistry. The father was a man of Chemistry. The mother was a woman of Dentistry. Uncles of Medicine and Engineering. A brother who plans on doing Applied Bio-molecular Technology. And here sits a foolish little fellow telling the world he wants to do design. Foolish isn’t the word.
“Design-uh?” they ask with idiotic looks on their faces, as though I’m committing treason to my ancestry.
Yes. Design. Uh.
“But… what is design?”
Good fucking question. It’s that chair you’re sitting on, the bronze sculpture on the coffee-table that you just commended, the shirt you’re wearing… yes the one you bought from the Marthahalli factory outlet that day, the Blackberry phone in your Marthahalli shirt pocket that can’t shut its bloody face, that revolting piece of pink plastic (glittered and cleverly named as Barbie’s comb) that your daughter is brandishing like a mad-woman.
Sigh… The doubting uncles and aunts…
Convincing my father was the hardest thing to do. You can’t expect a Man of Science to appreciate an artistic field, easily. No matter what I did, my word wasn’t quite enough.
My saving grace, however, was a lady named Bani; An ex-NID graduate living in out apartment complex who seemed happier for me than anyone else. She plunged the final sword into the stone heart. She changed all our minds. And thanks to her, I’m going to do design.
good for you! im faced with the similar situation , going away to college, hostel etc except its the other way round, after everyone found out im planning to do medicine, i received a LOT of discouragement.In the end everyone gave in, cuz the only argument i would provide was "so?" not a pretty good one, but still. Trivial stuff like u gotta slog a lot,it takes a lot of time to become a doctor.... etc etc
in the end , its just you, no one else and you should go for what you believe in, no matter what u plan to do u'll still get crappy comments on how ur decision is pretty shitty!
way to go george... yeah ppl give me the same shit with environ science.. when they see me they're caught up with the novelty of it, they seem to find it damn "cute", but then comes the inevitable questions of why not medicine or engg!! it gets annoying after a while..
but like untapped has rightly said, its bout u.. why give a fuck bout the other ppl!! after all they are lving their own lives so let em do what they want with theirs and leave urs alone.. its just that simple for me.
PS. way to go again!!
ya i agree with aditi(thats who untapped is btw)
design fits u damn well... you definitely have the skills and aptitude for it
it's stupid to drop what u want to do in life, simply because some people think its not viable
i wanna do engineering in computers (my own choice)..pretty normal, regular,expected choice right? i still get comments on how i should do something different. the reason: everyone aspires to do comp, so then somethings wrong with it
so ya, as said before, wtv it is that u wanna do, someone's gonna think they have a better idea, so forget about them and stick by your convictions
Brilliant bugger. I wish i had the balls to go with design over the safe computers choice.
ah yes.
and ofcourse there's the unending questions of why a girl would choose an artsy course in bangalore over a creditable degree in law AND business administration in pune (along with her fiance, eh?).
did i mention how relieved i am that you're doing design?
why cant design be a hobby and a career??? I think it can....... im happy you fought your way out and chose to follow your gut drive! I know this comment comes a little late in the day, especially since you're almost done with your first semester!!!
But good on ya mate!!!
And ya.....gettin into college on your own steam is something else, unlike engg colleges where you gotta pay thru your arse to get a seat!!!
haha yay! =)
I felt so good when i got here on a scholarship, it was like the first time dad hadn't helped me get in somewhere and it was what i wanted to do! woohoo :)
I felt soo freeeee... I finally had MY life, and it was not an extension of my parents. :)
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