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Monday, March 12, 2007

That Lonely Feeling

When people lose their trust in you.
When people you love seem so distant.
When the people you want to know don't want to know you.
That's the lonely feeling.
When those who you care for don't really see it.
When the closest chaps take you for granted.
When your brain suppresses the wishes of your heart.
That's the lonely feeling.
When emptiness surrounds you.
When you've got nothing left to believe in.
When they blame you for things you haven't done and for the things you are incapable of doing.
That's the lonely feeling.
But worst of all... It's the fear of never making an impact. Will they remember you after you go? Will they bother to think of you? Will they ever want to meet again?

The troubles of life, I tell you. The complexities of balancing two worlds. The utter confusion you must be in right now. Empathise. I don't need the sympathy. It'll probably be fake, anyway. Why am I being so obscure? You tell me. Aren't you the one who got me here?

When you realise you're complaining about yourself, to yourself.

That's the fucking lonely feeling.


Nivedh Jayanth said...

i will sympathise only coz i can empathise as well..

"When you realise you're complaining about yourself, to yourself." -- thats why i was up from 11:15 to 2 am on a tuesday night!! i had to resort to studyin physics (!!!!!) to fall asleep!

oh and this poem is pretty much the story of my life.. At least for the past 4 years

George said...

Haha yeah man. Sad lives we live, eh?

Anonymous said...

i dont know bout u two..but theres so much more..maybe im feeling strangely fine (no pun intended) today..but think of the ppl who will be there when the smoke clears..and there will never be less than one..coz i will.

George said...

Who is anonymous?

But yes.. thank you. I guess you are right. I guess it's not always silver-lined-dark-clouds you should look for. Cause it's not just one cloud. When the clouds come along, they cover the entire sky and darken it like crazy. That's when you realise that you gotta stop looking at the sky and focus on the things that are around you. Take interest in the things that SHOULD be more important to you. Clouds come and go. So do people. But unlike people, clouds just look the same to me. And unlike the clouds, you miss people. So..

Pardon the convolution. Disengaged as always.

And 'feeling strangely fine' are three words I love using together.
Semisonic, yes? =)

Ria said...

The way u want it to be is upto you...and after all if things turn out badly or it looks like no ones around...pick up the phone and call me..cause even though im the worstest (hehe) person when it comes to keeping in touch and with it..ill be here!

Anonymous said...

Somewhere there is someone that dreams of your smile, and finds in your presence that life is worthwhile, so when you are lonely remember it’s true, someone somewhere is thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

We're all lonely for something we don't know we're lonely for.

I'm always here for you.

Anonymous said...

semisonic, indeed.
and maybe if you can just remember all the good...throw yourself, without hesitation, into everything that thrills you, yet scares you at the same time...you'll find yourself a VERY different outlook.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings

Aylaha said...

Dude this anonymous person is not me yb the way.. but some anonymous person has been posting on everyones blog so just incase you were wondering.. and George I will always remember you!

Anonymous said...

"When the people you want to know don't want to know you.
That's the lonely feeling."

i know that one a bit too wel huh george? :)

anyway i wont forget you either ...

Ria said...


Anonymous said...

When emptiness surrounds you.
When you've got nothing left to believe in.

i love those lines.
and im not feeling quite so fine tonight. sigh.
the worst feeling in the world is having nothing left to believe in. and george, trust me on this one, you have no idea what it feels like.

Anonymous said...

be somebody's hero.


George said...

Wow! A lot of posts since I last checked! Thanx alot ppl! They were really meaningful! Things are looking better for me (i guess/hope) and I plan on updating when the internet on MY computer returns. I don't like the idea of updating from my dad's comp.

@ Anonymous: =)

@ :) : Are you anonymous?

@ Ala: Thanx alot! And we'll find out who this anonymous chap is! =)

@ Tasu: I know exactly what you mean.. =) and just know that Im always there for a late-night listening session!

@ Ria: How you been ma'am? Heh.. ill update, ill update! =)

Anonymous said...

I'm not anonymous.

Anonymous said...

Hey, this is endless_empath/kiyoshi.

Just checking your blog as I've recently just checked my old journal in LJ (yeah, I've changed. Again. To this one, making it the 4th... or is it the 5th?) and noticed your reply there only now.

But then again, looks like you have no trouble with the image heading thing now so... sorry 'bout not replying.

George said...

Kiyo!!! Haha, you change your blog a bit too much. Can't really keep track!
And yea, after much random-typing things out it HTML, I managed to get the header up.. So it's cool! =)

Bharath Ranganathan said...

You write really well...amazing!

Anonymous said...

Emo Child.