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Friday, February 09, 2007

Of Science and Silence

With around 2 weeks left for my final exams to start, tension, stress and madness should be setting in. But it isn’t. I wonder if this is something to be worried about. I’ve formed a nice study timetable and schedule and planned my days out for the next whole month, but none of it seems to be going right. I started it two days back and till now, four chapters have already been piled up. It’s just going to be more in the coming days… and that’s pretty scary. So what am I doing? Well, technically I should be studying right? So I’m pretty much under house arrest. I hardly even get any fresh air anymore. Whether it’s levitating from the TV to the computer or thinking of what to update my blog with or creating comic strips at the back of my notebooks or sleeping more than I usually do, or eating every 10 minutes, or reading the newspaper at least three times a day, I’m doing everything that I shouldn’t be doing at this crucial time. These exams wouldn’t really matter to those who’ve already got into their colleges of choice and I seem to be acting like that’s my case as well. It’s not. I have hardly even applied to any colleges and these exams shouldn’t be taken as a joke. But I just can’t help it. It’s just too boring!
My huge textbooks make nice pillows when I doze off at the study-table. I can barely look at countless amounts of formulae or an insane amount of the properties of metals and non-metals for five minutes! I need a 15 minute break for every 10 minutes of studying, and trust me… that isn’t good.
Physics is not nice. Chemistry is understandable at times. Math is endless. The rest of the subjects are okay.
The silence is deafening. I’m going crazy. My brain hurts. My hair is going out of control. I’ve been on the computer since morning. God save me!


Nityn said...

Physics is easy once you start at the beginning, once you figure out that its just a bunch of dudes manipulating 3 equations in a trillion different ways. Take your time, read it like a story, and initially leave out anything that involves mugging. Keep reading over the stuff if you don't understand it fully until it finally makes sense. Don't touch optical instruments, magneto/tangent galvano/vibrato meters until you have everything else figured out. Then mugging won't become hard, itll just be practical application. But remember to focus, no matter how long you study, it doesn't matter if you can hold your attention. Even if it is 10 minutes. The story thing really helps, try it.

Nivedh Jayanth said...

I think we're all in the same boat as u george, i've got like 10 chapters piling up!

But now that u've started its easier.. and its okay if u need a break after 10 mins. as long as those 10 mins were concentrated study it should be fine..

And bullu's advice goes for chem as well.. well at least for organic. inorganic is sadly hard to comprehend and learn so u're forced to mug BUT GET THE CHEM SCOPE!!!!! it reduces it like crazy!! u'll end up learning only like 2 out of every 5 reactions in the text and those are the only ones u need!!!
As for organic, try and understand that its the basic principles that are applied differently for each case.. its always the same old story actually.. nucleophile attacks here becoz blah blah blah.... its a lot easier and smarter to learn it that way.. and again USE THE DAMN SCOPE!!!!