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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Mental Instability

Hello. Hi. Hey. Heehee. My board exams (finals) technically begin tomorrow. I say technically because the practicals only begin from tomorrow where as the other ‘real’ exams start from March 1st. But still, this should be a cause for concern and it should be ringing alarms in my head and telling me that I should be studying my ass off. But it’s not. I wonder why. Hmm…

It could be this sudden madness that has consumed me and the remnants of my brain. I’m going crazy and it’s quite hilarious. No, I’m not one bit stressed about these exams (or maybe I am, but I’m living in denial) and I’m not suffering a mental breakdown. I think I’m just letting my mind wander where it wants to so I can salvage what’s left of my (in)sanity.

My hair length has broken a new record… It’s getting shape, bounce, shine, and softness (NOT) and I think it’s going to be listed as a rainforest very soon. I mean… I can already hear monkeys making strange noises (or is that me?)
I’ve just devoured an entire plate of chicken biriyani and I think I’ll lay myself down to sleep now. If I said “put myself to sleep”, would it refer to suicide? Because – don’t misunderstand – it’s not what I want to do. Anyway. There’s this stuffed toy burger lying on my table (it was given to me by a friend on the last day of school) and it’s giving me some really scary looks. However sweet its face may appear, I know that all it wants to do is kill me. “I’m going to sleep with one eye open, burger!”

I swear I’m not crazy. I blame all of this on the burger (and 3 hours of staring blankly at the computer screen.)



Kruthika said...
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George said...

Kruthika gave me the burger. Thanx, Kay. It was very cute. But the burger is pretty freaky. Ask my bro. He got really scared the first time he saw it lying on my table.
Hehe anyway.. I may just eat him when I'm hungry someday...

George said...

And I was refering to eating the burger, not my brother just for your information.

Kruthika said...

Hey if you dont like it give it back!

Young Thos. said...

Hope you're having fun with the REAL exams. :P

George said...

Having a blast man!
